Friday, March 25, 2011

Working with your Team

When you reach certain position not necessarily departmental head you may have to lead at least a small group of people. To achieve performance you are also depending on their performance. Therefore it is also a must that the group of subordinates working under you as your team must be molded to suit your style of working and achieve performance or complete the work or task in time and quality. For the above you may have to take some initiatives.

Bosses like people who show the inclination to be future leaders. By taking initiative you will be doing just that. People who come up with new ideas or take new ventures are deemed to possess leadership or management skills, which is viewed favorably by top bosses.

When you take an initiative you understand your office environment. If your boss and colleagues support you wholeheartedly you’re in the right place, otherwise you might have to think about shifting offices. As a rule, organizations that support new initiatives have more successful and happier employees.

Taking initiative helps us not only in our professional life but also in our personal and social life. And, at times even a small step can do wonders.

When you take the initiative to do something new you step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. This is a very important for both personal and professional development. The entire exercise of attempting something new and executing it helps you grow faster, which is the key to success.

Sometimes you run out of ideas to advise your team as to how to go about further in completing a task. At such   juncture, taking an initiative can help you revive interest in your job. You can start off by taking a small initiative, say by organizing an office picnic and move on to bigger things. By doing this, you will soon finding yourself getting out of the rut and thinking anew.

You can go on and on about the successful team building. After all, there’s no fixed rule to what makes a group of people click together.

It’s very important for a team leader to be honest to his / her team. S/he should tell them exactly where they stand within the organization. A team leader should convey the right information in a positive manner. Once your team members know they are positive in the organization they will take your instructions in a better manner.

Be consistent about your communication with your team members. You will lose credibility with your team members if you communicate differently with different team members about same situation. If you project a professional behavior whatever the situation your team will surely respect you.

Always be open with your team members if there is some bad news coming for your team or the organization. Employees find out about the bad news. They can handle bad news as long as their managers are concerned about them.

Your team members work hard, and by giving feedback you show that you appreciate their efforts and the difference they make to the team. A team leader should also make it safe for team members to give feedback. Let them know that you value their inputs.

The solidarity of a team is an important indicator of how much influence the group has over its individual members. The more cohesive the group the more strongly members feel about belonging to it the greater is its influence. If the members of a group feel strongly attached to it, they are not likely to do anything against the group or team.

Team cohesiveness also plays a role in small companies. Team cohesiveness is critical in helping the individual feel good about his or her contribution to the effort. They also made sure that all employees understood that no improvement is too small. Over a period of time, they can make a major difference.

Highly cohesive teams often have less tension than less cohesive groups do. Additionally studies have found that cohesive groups tend to produce more uniform output than less cohesive groups, which often have problems with communication and cooperation.

Some talented individuals cannot flourish in a team oriented environment. If team cohesion is not to be eroded, management must recognize such a mismatch and address the problem before team goals go haywire.

Managers can improve solidarity of a team by introduction of competition, increasing interpersonal respect in the team, increasing interaction and create common goals for employees.

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